Important announcement (May 2024)
Subclass 1:
Payments via Interac e-Transfer to approved members of Subclass 1 (Loss Time) eligible for a maximum amount of $90 occurred between July 11 and July 13, 2023. All Interac e-Transfer communications were made by email and no text messages were sent. For those who wished to receive their payment by cheque, they were mailed no later than July 19, 2023.
For Class Members who were unable to deposit their e-Transfer, RicePoint sent a second Interac e-Transfer between August 29 and 30, 2023 and a last e-Transfer on October 26, 2023. Interac e-Transfer are facilitated soley by email and no text messages were sent. For those who wished to receive their payment by cheque, they were mailed August 31, 2023 and October 31, 2023.
For members who have not cashed their e-Transfer and have contacted RicePoint to update their address, a cheque was sent to them May 1, 2024.
The Claims Administrator has attempted to indemnify Subclass 1 Members who submitted valid Claims by cheque payable to the Claimant or by Interac e-Transfer, multiple times following the end of the Claims Period for Subclass 1 Members. No further payments will be issued for Subclass 1 Members as the claim and distribution period is now closed.
Subclass 2:
Payments via Interac e-Transfer to approved members of Subclass 2 (Identity Theft) occurred January 16, 2024. All Interac e-Transfer communications were made by email and never by text message. For those who wished to receive their payment by cheque, they were mailed no later than January 18, 2024.
For Class Members who were unable to deposit their e-Transfer sent in January 2024, RicePoint sent a second Interac e-Transfer on April 11, 2024. All Interac e-Transfer communications were made by email and never by text message. For those who wished to receive their payment by cheque, they were mailed no later than April 11, 2024.
No further e-Transfer will be sent for Subclass 2 year 1.
Contact RicePoint at 1-888-886-7164 for more information.
• Have your claim number on hand from the email confirming your eligibility for settlement.
• After identifying you, the agent will explain the next steps.
o Change your payment method to cheque in order to receive your settlement amount by mail.
A mailing address will be required.
CAUTION: No text message will be sent to you. You will not be asked for any other information when depositing the e-Transfer in your account. The procedure will be identical to the one you usually follow to cash an Interac e-Transfer received by email.
Summary of class actions:
I do not want to participate in the Settlement.
You do not need to submit a claim, but you can no longer exclude yourself from the Class. The Settlement is binding on you unless you opted out by April 8, 2022. If you do not submit a claim, you will not receive compensation under the settlement.
What if I do not submit a claim or do nothing?
You will not receive compensation from the settlement.
The settlement is approved by the court. Below are the key dates pertaining to the settlement and claims period: